What I've Drafted, Edited, Commented, Fact-Checked, Estimated, or Otherwise Supported:

I hope to flesh out this list, if only to jog my own memory of the many projects that I've been fortunate enough to support.

But for now, I'd rather write the works than write about writing the works, yeah?

It's been an exciting, unpredictable, and breakneck ride to help the Professors put the finishing touches on the book and to support the launch (May 16, 2023).  I may write more about my involvement someday, but the first 52 weeks of frontlist are a crucial time to push!!  Here is the website that I've helped launch and build out, complete with many follow-on works that I've written, fact-checked, proofed, or promoted.

Coming soon, I'll have time to write about this work after I finish more of it!